Subject: Chinese-Indonesian atrocities
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 08:25:53-0400

I am writing to thank you for putting the horrible, sad, disturbing pictures of the Indonesian riots on the internet for the world to see. It's so sad and heart-breaking to see these events happening in this hi-tech microchip age.
I am Chinese who was bombed in Cambodia and who has lived thru similar events during the Khmer Rouge regime. During Pol Pot1s regime, Chinese-Cambodian, were treated the same way as the Chinese-Indonesians right now. They are tortured, gang-raped, murdered, beaten, etc...
Many Chinese people died and most that lived were "brain-washed" to hate their own race and/or "too-ashamed" to be Chinese. My family and I were the lucky ones that survived and are not ashamed to be Chinese.
Anyway, I just want to let you know that I am grateful to you for at least lifting the blindfolds of the world just a little to make them see the real truth. Also I wanted to know if there is any way to help out (e.g. financially, protests, petitions, etc.) There are a lot of people here (students, professors, professionals) who are concern and outrage about this and are willing to help out. We must voice now or history will always repeat itself over and over again. Chinese (esp. overseas ones) need to take action and voice out the indecency of these events because if not we will always be treated the same exact way. Minding our business is selfish and will only hurt ourselves and the next generations. We have a lot to learn from the Jews.

Thank you and please let me know if there is anything else we can do.




